Source code for cryptoassets.core.tests.base

import abc
import os
import time
import logging
from decimal import Decimal

import requests
import pytest

from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import pool

from ..models import NotEnoughAccountBalance
from ..models import SameAccount

from import CryptoAssetsApp
from import Subsystem
from ..configure import Configurator
from import walletimport
from import broadcast
from import confirmationupdate
from import receivescan

from . import testlogging
from . import testwarnings
from ..utils import danglingthreads

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_connected = None

[docs]def has_inet(): """py.test condition for checking if we are online.""" global _connected if _connected is None: try: requests.get("") _connected = True except: _connected = False return _connected
[docs]def has_local_bitcoind(): """Use this to disable some tests in CI enviroment where 15 minute deadline applies.""" return "CI" not in os.environ
[docs]def is_slow_test_hostile(): """Use this to disable some tests in CI enviroment where 15 minute deadline applies.""" return "CI" in os.environ or "SKIP_SLOW_TEST" in os.environ
[docs]class CoinTestRoot: """Have only initialization methods for the tests.""" def setUp(self): testwarnings.begone() testlogging.setup() = CryptoAssetsApp([Subsystem.database, Subsystem.backend, Subsystem.event_handler_registry, Subsystem.incoming_transactions]) self.configurator = Configurator( session = self.Address = None self.Transaction = None self.Wallet = None self.Account = None self.NetworkTransaction = None # How many satoshis we use in send_external() self.external_send_amount = Decimal("0.0001") self.network_fee = Decimal("0.0001") # Looks like network fee on btctest varies so we need to have at least two different allowed fees self.allowed_network_fees = [] self.setup_coin() # Purge old test data with as session: session.query(self.Address).delete() session.query(self.Transaction).delete() session.query(self.Wallet).delete() session.query(self.Account).delete() session.query(self.NetworkTransaction).delete()
[docs] def create_engine(self): """Create SQLAclhemy database engine for the tests.""" # XXX: Not sure what would be the correct way to run tests, # so that we respect transaction consistency in external received transactions # which are usually done in external thread or process # pool = pool.SingletonThreadPool() # engine = create_engine('sqlite:///unittest.sqlite', echo=False, poolclass=pool.SingletonThreadPool) engine = create_engine('sqlite://', connect_args={'check_same_thread': False}, poolclass=pool.StaticPool) return engine
[docs] def wait_address(self, address): """ needs subscription refresh every time we create a new address. Because we do not have IPC mechanism to tell when refresh is ready, we just wait few seconds for now. poller should recheck the database for new addresses every second. """ time.sleep(3)
[docs] def setup_receiving(self, wallet): """Necerssary setup to monitor incoming transactions for the backend."""
[docs] def teardown_receiving(self): """Teardown incoming transaction monitoring."""
def tearDown(self): self.teardown_receiving() danglingthreads.check_dangling_threads() @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def setup_coin(self): """Setup coin backend for this test case."""
def broadcast(self, wallet): broadcaster = broadcast.Broadcaster(wallet,, self.backend) return broadcaster.do_broadcasts()
[docs] def setup_balance(self): """Create an a wallet and an account with balance. """ # These objects must be committed before setup_test_fund_address() is called with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) account = wallet.create_account("Test account") session.flush() walletimport.import_unaccounted_balance(self.backend, wallet, account) # Make sure we got balance after refresh with as session: account = session.query(self.Account).get(1) wallet = session.query(self.Wallet).get(1) self.assertGreater(account.balance, 0, "We need have some balance on the unit test wallet to proceed with the send test")
[docs]class CoinTestCase(CoinTestRoot): """Abstract base class for all cryptocurrency backend tests. This verifies that a cryptocurrency backend works against cryptoassets.core models API. Inherit from this test case, implement backend abstract methods and run the test case. If all test passes, the backend is compatible with *cryptoassets.core*. """
[docs] def test_create_address(self): """ Creates a new wallet and fresh bitcoin address there. """ with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) session.flush() account = wallet.create_account("Test account") session.flush() address = wallet.create_receiving_address(account, "Test address {}".format(time.time())) # TODO: Check for valid bitcoin addresss self.assertGreater(len(address.address), 10)
[docs] def test_get_receiving_addresses(self): """ Creates a new wallet and fresh bitcoin address there. """ with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) session.flush() self.assertEqual(wallet.get_receiving_addresses().count(), 0) account = wallet.create_account("Test account") session.flush() wallet.create_receiving_address(account, "Test address {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() self.assertEqual(wallet.get_receiving_addresses().count(), 1) # The second wallet should not affect the addresses on the first one wallet2 = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet2) session.flush() self.assertEqual(wallet2.get_receiving_addresses().count(), 0) account = wallet2.create_account("Test account") session.flush() wallet2.create_receiving_address(account, "Test address {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() self.assertEqual(wallet.get_accounts().count(), 1) self.assertEqual(wallet.get_receiving_addresses().count(), 1) self.assertEqual(wallet2.get_receiving_addresses().count(), 1) # Test 2 accounts in one wallet account2 = wallet2.create_account("Test account 2") session.flush() wallet2.create_receiving_address(account2, "Test address {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() self.assertEqual(wallet.get_receiving_addresses().count(), 1) self.assertEqual(wallet2.get_receiving_addresses().count(), 2)
[docs] def test_create_account(self): """ Creates a new wallet and fresh bitcoin address there. """ with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) # Must flush before we refer to wallet pk session.flush() account = wallet.create_account("Test account") self.assertEqual(account.balance, 0)
[docs] def test_send_internal(self): """ Creates a new wallet and fresh bitcoin address there. """ with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) session.flush() sending_account = wallet.create_account("Test account") receiving_account = wallet.create_account("Test account 2") session.flush() sending_account.balance = 100 tx = wallet.send_internal(sending_account, receiving_account, Decimal(100), "Test transaction") self.assertEqual(receiving_account.balance, 100) self.assertEqual(sending_account.balance, 0) # ... # Write the transaction # ... with as session: # We should have created one transaction self.assertEqual(session.query(, 1) tx = session.query(self.Transaction).first() self.assertEqual(tx.sending_account, sending_account) self.assertEqual(tx.receiving_account, receiving_account)
[docs] def test_send_internal_low_balance(self): """ Does internal transaction where balance requirement is not met. """ with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) session.flush() sending_account = wallet.create_account("Test account") receiving_account = wallet.create_account("Test account 2") sending_account.balance = 100 session.flush() assert def test(): wallet.send_internal(sending_account, receiving_account, Decimal(110), "Test transaction") self.assertRaises(NotEnoughAccountBalance, test)
[docs] def test_send_internal_same_account(self): """ Does internal transaction where balance requirement is not met. """ with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) session.flush() sending_account = wallet.create_account("Test account") sending_account.balance = 100 session.flush() assert def test(): wallet.send_internal(sending_account, sending_account, Decimal(10), "Test transaction") self.assertRaises(SameAccount, test)
[docs] def test_cannot_import_existing_address(self): """ Do not allow importing an address which already exists. """ def test(): with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) account = wallet.create_account("Test account") session.flush() address = wallet.create_receiving_address(account, "Test address {}".format(time.time())) with as session: self.assertEqual(session.query(self.Address).count(), 1) with as session: wallet.add_address(account, "Test import {}".format(time.time()), address.address) # Should not be reached self.assertEqual(session.query(, 1) self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, test)
[docs] def test_refresh_account_balance(self): """ Read the external balance to an account. """ self.setup_balance() with as session: account = session.query(self.Account).get(1) # Assume we have at least 5 TESTNET bitcoins there self.assertIsNot(account.balance, 0, "Account balance was zero after refresh_account_balance()") self.assertGreater(account.balance, Decimal("0.001"))
[docs] def test_send_external(self): """ Send Bitcoins from external address """ self.setup_balance() with as session: wallet = session.query(self.Wallet).get(1) account = session.query(self.Account).get(1) receiving_address = wallet.create_receiving_address(account, "Test address {}".format(time.time())) # Send Bitcoins through BlockChain tx = wallet.send_external(account, receiving_address.address, self.external_send_amount, "Test send {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() # We should have created one transaction # which is not broadcasted yet self.assertGreater(session.query(, 0) self.assertEqual(tx.sending_account, account) self.assertEqual(tx.receiving_account, None) self.assertEqual(tx.state, "pending") self.assertEqual(tx.txid, None) self.assertIsNone(tx.processed_at) self.broadcast(wallet) # Reread the tranansaction tx = session.query(self.Transaction).get( self.assertEqual(tx.state, "broadcasted") self.assertIsNotNone(tx.txid) self.assertIsNotNone(tx.processed_at)
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_slow_test_hostile(), reason="This may take up to 20 minutes") def test_update_broadcast_confirmation_count(self): """Do a broadcast and see we get updates for the confirmation count.""" self.setup_balance() Transaction = self.Transaction with as session: wallet = session.query(self.Wallet).get(1) account = session.query(self.Account).get(1) # Random address on testnet test wallet tx = wallet.send_external(account, "2N5Ji2nCnvjTXDxsv9dPuKocXicctSuNs4n", self.external_send_amount, "Test send {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() self.broadcast(wallet) # Reread the tranansaction tx = session.query(self.Transaction).get( self.assertEqual(tx.state, "broadcasted") self.assertIsNotNone(tx.network_transaction) tx_id = transaction_updater = self.backend.create_transaction_updater(, None) deadline = time.time() + 40 * 60 while time.time() < deadline: confirmationupdate.update_confirmations(transaction_updater, 5) time.sleep(5.0) with as session: tx = session.query(Transaction).get(tx_id) logger.debug("Polling transaction updates for txid %s, confirmations %d", tx.txid, tx.confirmations) if tx.network_transaction.confirmations >= 1: break self.assertLess(time.time(), deadline, "Did not receive updates for broadcast tx {}".format(tx.network_transaction.txid)) self.assertGreaterEqual(transaction_updater.stats["network_transaction_updates"], 1) # We should have # 1 update for 0 confirmations # 1 update for 1 confirmations self.assertEqual(transaction_updater.stats["broadcast_updates"], 2) self.assertEqual(transaction_updater.stats["deposit_updates"], 0)
[docs] def test_charge_network_fee(self): """Do an external transaction and see we account network fees correctly.""" self.setup_balance() with as session: account = session.query(self.Account).get(1) wallet = session.query(self.Wallet).get(1) receiving_address = wallet.create_receiving_address(account, "Test address {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() # Send Bitcoins through BlockChain wallet.send_external(account, receiving_address.address, self.external_send_amount, "Test send {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() txcount, fees = self.broadcast(wallet) self.assertEqual(txcount, 1) self.assertGreater(fees, 0) # Our fee account goes below zero, because network fees # are subtracted from there fee_account = wallet.get_or_create_network_fee_account() self.assertLess(fee_account.balance, 0) fee_txs = session.query(self.Transaction).filter(self.Transaction.state == "network_fee") self.assertEqual(fee_txs.count(), 1) allowed_fees = self.allowed_network_fees + [self.network_fee] fee = fee_txs.first().amount self.assertTrue(fee in allowed_fees, "Got fee {}, allowed {}".format(fee, allowed_fees))
[docs] def test_broadcast_no_transactions(self): """ Broadcast must not fail even we don't have any transactions. """ with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) session.flush() broadcaster = broadcast.Broadcaster(wallet,, self.backend) broadcaster.do_broadcasts()
[docs] def test_receive_external_spoofed(self): """ Test receiving external transaction. Don't actually receive anything, spoof the incoming transaction. """ test_amount = 1000 NetworkTransaction = self.NetworkTransaction with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) ntx, created = NetworkTransaction.get_or_create_deposit(session, "foobar") session.flush() account = wallet.create_account("Test account") session.flush() receiving_address = wallet.create_receiving_address(account, "Test address {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() wallet.deposit(ntx, receiving_address.address, test_amount, dict(confirmations=0)) # ... # write the transaction # ... with as session: # First we should just register the transaction as incoming txs = session.query(self.Transaction).filter(self.Transaction.state == "incoming") self.assertEqual(txs.count(), 1) self.assertEqual(txs.first().amount, test_amount) self.assertFalse(txs.first().can_be_confirmed()) self.assertEqual(account.balance, 0) self.assertEqual(wallet.balance, 0) self.assertIsNone(txs.first().processed_at) ntx, created = NetworkTransaction.get_or_create_deposit(session, "foobar") ntx.confirmations = 999 # Exceed the confirmation threshold wallet.deposit(ntx, receiving_address.address, test_amount, dict(confirmations=6)) txs = session.query(self.Transaction).filter(self.Transaction.state == "incoming") self.assertTrue(txs.first().can_be_confirmed()) self.assertEqual(account.balance, test_amount) self.assertEqual(wallet.balance, test_amount) self.assertEqual(receiving_address.balance, test_amount) self.assertIsNone(txs.first().processed_at) # Mark the transaction as processed the transaction wallet.mark_transaction_processed(txs.first().id) txs = session.query(self.Transaction).filter(self.Transaction.state == "processed") self.assertEqual(txs.count(), 1) self.assertIsNotNone(txs.first().processed_at)
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_slow_test_hostile(), reason="Running send + receive loop may take > 20 minutes") def test_send_receive_external(self): """ Test sending and receiving external transaction within the backend wallet. This is especially tricky test case, as we are reusing some of the old test addresses for the sending the transaction and they may have extra outgoing and incoming transactions ready to hit from the previous tests. """ try: self.Transaction.confirmation_count = self.external_transaction_confirmation_count self.setup_balance() wallet_id = 1 with as session: # Reload objects from db for this transaction wallet = session.query(self.Wallet).get(wallet_id) account = session.query(self.Account).get(1) txs_before_send = wallet.get_deposit_transactions().count() # Create account for receiving the tx receiving_account = wallet.create_account("Test receiving account {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() receiving_address = wallet.create_receiving_address(receiving_account, "Test receiving address {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() # See that the created address was properly committed self.assertGreater(wallet.get_receiving_addresses().count(), 0) self.setup_receiving(wallet) # Because of needs subscription refresh for new addresses, we sleep here before we can think of sending anything to justly created address self.wait_address(receiving_address) # Commit new receiveing address to the database with as session: # Make sure we don't have any balance beforehand receiving_account = session.query(self.Account).get( self.assertEqual(receiving_account.balance, 0, "Receiving account got some balance already before sending")"Sending from account %d to %s amount %f",, receiving_address.address, self.external_send_amount) tx = wallet.send(account, receiving_address.address, self.external_send_amount, "Test send", force_external=True) session.flush() self.assertEqual(tx.state, "pending") self.assertEqual(tx.label, "Test send") broadcasted_count, tx_fees = self.broadcast(wallet) # Reread the changed transaction tx = session.query(self.Transaction).get( self.assertEqual(tx.state, "broadcasted") self.assertEqual(broadcasted_count, 1) tx = session.query(self.Transaction).get("External transaction is %s", tx.txid) receiving_address_id = tx_id = receiving_address_str = receiving_address.address # Wait until backend notifies us the transaction has been received"Monitoring receiving address {} on wallet {}".format(receiving_address.address, deadline = time.time() + self.external_receiving_timeout succeeded = False while time.time() < deadline: time.sleep(30.0) # Make sure confirmations are updated transaction_updater = self.backend.create_transaction_updater(, None) confirmationupdate.update_confirmations(transaction_updater, 5) # Don't hold db locked for an extended perior with as session: Address = self.Address wallet = session.query(self.Wallet).get(wallet_id) address = session.query(Address).filter( == receiving_address_id) self.assertEqual(address.count(), 1) account = address.first().account txs = wallet.get_deposit_transactions() print(, account.balance, len(wallet.transactions), wallet.get_active_external_received_transcations().count()) # The transaction is confirmed and the account is credited # and we have no longer pending incoming transaction if account.balance > 0 and wallet.get_active_external_received_transcations().count() == 0 and len(wallet.transactions) >= 3: succeeded = True break # Check txid on # self.assertTrue(succeeded, "Never got the external transaction status through database, backend:{} txid:{} receiving address:{} wait:{}s".format(self.backend, tx_id, receiving_address_str, self.external_receiving_timeout)) # Just some debug output with as session: address = session.query(self.Address).filter( == receiving_address_id) account = address.first().account"Receiving account %d balance %f",, account.balance) tx = session.query(self.Transaction).get(tx_id)"Broadcasted transaction %d txid %s confirmations %s",, tx.txid, tx.confirmations) finally: self.Transaction.confirmation_count = 3 self.teardown_receiving() # Final checks with as session: account = session.query(self.Account).filter(self.Account.wallet_id == wallet_id).first() wallet = session.query(self.Wallet).get(wallet_id) self.assertGreater(account.balance, 0, "Timeouted receiving external transaction") # 1 broadcasted, 1 network fee, 1 external self.assertGreaterEqual(len(wallet.transactions), 3) # The transaction should be external txs = wallet.get_deposit_transactions() self.assertEqual(txs.count(), txs_before_send + 1) # The transaction should no longer be active txs = wallet.get_active_external_received_transcations() self.assertEqual(txs.count(), 0) self.assertGreater(account.balance, 0, "Timeouted receiving external transaction") @pytest.mark.skipif(is_slow_test_hostile(), reason="This may take up to few minutes") def test_receive_scan(self): """Make sure we don't miss transactions even if helper service is down. We simulate a missed transaction (backend deposit updates are not running) and then manually trigger rescan to see rescan picks up the transaction. """ Address = self.Address # First create incoming address with as session: wallet = self.Wallet() session.add(wallet) session.flush() account = wallet.create_account("Test account") session.flush() address = wallet.create_receiving_address(account, "Test address {}".format(time.time())) addr_str = address.address # Then perform send to this address using raw backend, so we shouldn't get notification the incoming deposit txid, fees = self.backend.send(recipients={addr_str: self.external_send_amount}, label="Test broadcast") # Now ask backend until we know the tx is broadcasted deadline = time.time() + 30 while True: txdata = self.backend.get_transaction(txid) if txdata["confirmations"] >= 0: break self.assertLess(time.time(), deadline) missed = receivescan.scan(,, None) self.assertEqual(missed, 1) # Check that address is now credited with as session: address = session.query(Address).filter(Address.address == addr_str).first() self.assertGreater(len(address.transactions), 0) @pytest.mark.skipif(is_slow_test_hostile(), reason="May take > 20 minutes") def test_confirmation_updates(self): """Test that we get confirmation count increase for an incoming transaction. We stress out ``tools.confirmationupdate`` functionality. See CoinBackend base class for comments. This test will take > 15 minutes to run. Bitcoin testnet block rate is SLOW and we need to wait at least 2 blocks. """ self.Transaction.confirmation_count = 3 self.setup_balance() transaction_updater = self.backend.create_transaction_updater(, None) with as session: # Reload objects from db for this transaction wallet = session.query(self.Wallet).get(1) account = session.query(self.Account).get(1) # Create account for receiving the tx receiving_account = wallet.create_account("Test receiving account {}".format(time.time())) session.flush() receiving_address = wallet.create_receiving_address(receiving_account, "Test receiving address {}".format(time.time())) self.setup_receiving(wallet) # Commit new receiveing address to the database with as session: # Make sure we don't have any balance beforehand receiving_account = session.query(self.Account).get( self.assertEqual(receiving_account.balance, 0, "Receiving account got some balance already before sending")"Sending from account %d to %s amount %f",, receiving_address.address, self.external_send_amount) tx = wallet.send(account, receiving_address.address, self.external_send_amount, "Test send", force_external=True) session.flush() broadcasted_count, tx_fees = self.broadcast(wallet) self.assertEqual(broadcasted_count, 1) receiving_address_id = # Wait until backend notifies us the transaction has been received"Monitoring receiving address {} on wallet {}".format(receiving_address.address, # Testnet seem to take confirmations up to 60 minutes... le fuu the shitcoin # We wait 2 hours! deadline = time.time() + 45 * 60 while time.time() < deadline: confirmationupdate.update_confirmations(transaction_updater, 3) time.sleep(30) # Don't hold db locked for an extended perior with as session: wallet = session.query(self.Wallet).get(1) address = session.query(self.Address).get(receiving_address_id) account = address.account txs = wallet.get_deposit_transactions()"Checking out addr {} incoming txs {}".format(address.address, txs.count())) for tx in txs: logger.debug(tx) # The transaction is confirmed and the account is credited # and we have no longer pending incoming transaction if txs.count() > 0: assert txs.count() < 2 tx = txs[0] if tx.confirmations >= 2: # We got more than 1 confirmation, good, we are counting! break if time.time() > deadline: # Print some debug output to diagnose for tx in session.query(self.Transaction).all(): logger.error(tx) for ntx in session.query(self.NetworkTransaction).all(): logger.error(ntx) self.assertLess(time.time(), deadline, "Never got confirmations update through")